Sunday, October 28, 2012

Men's Shirt Refashioned

I've had a plaid men's button-down sitting in my unfinished projects pile for a while. Originally I wanted to make it into a dress, but a few mistakes had brought the whole process to a halt, and I was feeling uninspired. But then I can across this post by Cotton & Curls, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

Instead of a dress, I made a blouse. I basically followed the tutorial except I added 2 darts to the back, because my shirt was looking baggy.

This was my first time gathering, so I used this guide. It's not perfect, but I'm satisfied with my first attempt at the technique.

In retrospect, I shouldn't have taken pictures in front of the disgusting basement drain, but hey, I'm new to blogging.
I'm looking forward to taking this piece out of the unfinished projects pile and finally putting it in my closet. Here's to more Saturdays spent on inexpensive and easy transformations like this one.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Better Late Then Never

I'm bringing the blog back!

...but it's going to be a lot different.

Instead of being about study abroad or whatever pops into my head, it's going to be about crafting--mostly sewing, knitting, design, and decor.  I've had difficulty finding sewing and knitting resources in both my age group (early 20s) and aesthetic (NOT Anne of Green Gables), so my hope is to find them through this blog or connect to others in the same boat. 

Topics you can expect:

-projects I've completed/am working on
-resources (blogs, techniques, books) I've found helpful