Saturday, January 29, 2011

I have arrived

Here's the DL on the short time I've spent in St. Petersburg:

St. Petersburg = Winter Wonderland (if WW's include a lot of slush and ice)

Number of times I've looked foolish in front of Russians = too many to count

My neighborhood = nice; I live on Soviet Street (the 8th of 9 Soviet Streets actually), just off the Square of the Proletariat Dictatorship, very close to the city center and very convenient for nightlife

My school = originally a convent built by Tsarina Elizabeth; converted into a girls' school by Catherine the Great; housed Lenin's government during the 1917 Revolution (NBD)

My apartment building= sketchy (looks kinda like Jimmy's (Bobby DeNiro) warehouse in Goodfellas where he freaks Karen out)

My apartment = Soviet-retro chic

My host parents (Irina and Yuri)= Soviet-retro chic; she talks to the food while she's cooking ("Where are you my cup?" "What are you doing my macaroni?"), and he wears wife-beaters and loves television; she works at Peter and Paul Fortress and he's a musician.

My host cats = BAMFS, except not really, because Sonya is a bitch and Serekshka (Irina calls him her boyfriend) is afraid of me, maybe because I accidently locked him in my room for 30 mintues; really beautiful though

The food: not as bad as expected, but there is a lot of it. For my first meal with my homestay family I had soup (potato with chicken), pasta and meat (I have no idea what kind of meat-Irina just said "meat") and tea; we had blini and coffee (pancakes) for breakfast. Irina gives me so much food; what I ate for dinner was probably the equivalent of what I normally eat for an entire day.

And now, what you really want, pics:
 The airport

 Alex seems excited to be in Russia (he's in front of St. Isaac's Cathedral, btw)

Tsar Nicolas the First 

 One of the Rostral Columns

 The Winter Palace (part of the Hertimage): really, really amazing!
I saw some of the Dutch and Flemish galleries, and they were great.
I haven't been to the Modern galleries yet, but I plan to soon

Smolnyy Cathedral (where my school is)
side note: this was on a sunny day (very rare and very beautiful) in St. Petersburg

 School Again

School (Are you jealous yet?)

1 comment:

  1. A+ for the Goodfellas reference! And it is beautiful and I am jealous!
